Friday, January 8, 2010


Despite getting stuck at Sunta's square room due to HSA being broke (Ayayaaayy), I still sense there's something I need to do in order to accomplish an essence of this year's Children's Day - not to just let it go down my drain of laziness. Ordinary enough, after minutes of a drowsy state, I switched on a laptop, as usual, turn on some music, as usual. But this particular time I shall splash and share a fuse limelight (let me borrow this term, Kris) of this very occasion, the '10 Children's Day, to all y'all with the playlist!!

Blackstreet Featuring Mya and Mase - Take Me There

It's cute enough to be put here. Blackstreet is infamous for their sweet mellow RnB ballads, Mya ignites her fame from her honeyed-innocent vocal and her dance move. Both are collided and BAMMMM the result comes out so cute.

Madonna - Dear Jessie

From her controversial album, Like A Prayer. This song is hidden beneath an obvious substance of scandals this talented woman generated at that time. But hey don't let the package fools you - this song is supercute!!

Karen O & The Kids - All Is Love

Loveeeeee youuuu Karennnnn, I adore this woman especially to witness her mixed persona i.e after a wild-turn stage performance, she can head her characteristic down to a very dainty side. This soundtrack-origin song, for a favor of her former boyfriend Spike Jonze, proved that Yeah Yeah Yeahs' lead bitch can be soooo adorable too!

MGMT - Love Always Remains

It may not be as childish as other songs above, but this electro-inspired tune aesthetically got my eyes closed, with my deep memories of happiness in childhood emerged, and me saying "hell yeah at the end who can deny its other greatness overall?"

mm... getting tired now, I'll be heading to my friend's place to work, so bark at ya later ^^