Thursday, December 3, 2009

FoodSickAlienn Vol.1 คั่วไก่เยาวราช

Discover the tasty dish through HSA's blog!!

Not a bad idea to publish stuffs dealing with foods aka the thing H loves the most in the entire world besides his family :D from now on

I'll start with this tiny tiny bowl of a kind of noodle looking ricy (damn.. because it's made of rice aka a rice noodle lol, don't know why I don't I just simplify it since the first two sentences) with chicken and some veggie which I don't know what its name is, well..

It's called Kouy (not Kouy as a cock) Tiaw Kua Kai (Big Dried Rice Noodles with Chickens)
It tastes like a plain dried noodle, smells better though, and is already fine without adding extra seasoning loei na. Since ten or more people wait in line with arms crossing the shoulder to try it, it makes the dish tastes so much better! Oh and they have น้ำลำใย Logan juice to serve doey na ^^ A bit too sweet though, but worth a wait at least.

Go and try it at a lilttle soi in the Bangkok's china town. The restaurant has no official name. We simply call this the ร้านก๋วยเตี๋ยวคั่วไก่ lol So enjoy seeking them na!

35 - 40 Baht
Logan Juice 10 Baht/Serving
HSA Rate : 3/5

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