Tuesday, December 22, 2009

FoodSickAlienn Vol.3 AKIYOSHI @Pra Kanong

Japanese time, people! HSA's here to present an old-ass aged-stocking restaurant review that he's last visited like a couple of months ago :P I planned to blog this right after I got back from the place, unfortunately due to the lack of inspiration in publishing another FoodsickAlienn issue while in the situation of facing the final exam makes the agenda disappeared. But fuck that, here it is so enjoy your delicious ride people!


Located within the reach of BTS, visitors can walk from the Pra Kanong station to yummily entertain themselves with a sense of real Japanese sukiyaki and a nice meat that's agreeable along its price. Akiyoshi offers you two kinds of self-cooking style; sukiyaki and shabu shabu. I ordered sukiyaki set with a traditional black soup that requires you to dip your piece of meat into it, wait until well done then say C'est la Vie while appreciate the well-marinated meat in your mouth. For those who are afraid to fuck the food up, they have a description on the table stating ways to correctly cook these foods.

Got bored of meat? Here you can as well order a side dish. They have both traditional and fusion dishes to serve. Salmon or other kinds of sashimi, grilled beans, fried rice that smells like heaven or a sake for your consideration.

Buffet : TB 500++ Each for both sukiyaki and shabu shabu, water and green tea included
HSA Rate for foods : 4.5/5
HSA Rate for service : 3.5/5
HSA Overall Rate : 4/5


  1. "They have both traditional and fushion dishes to serve."

    isn't 'fushion' fusion?

  2. yea, that's why it kept having a red underline when i typed it 5555555
    thanks a lott maaa :D

  3. ห่า ไม่ได้ขนาดนั้น บ้านกูไม่ได้ผลิตแบงค์ แดกตามสถานการณ์อำนวยยและปากอยาก :D
