Thursday, December 24, 2009


Merry Freaking Christmas everyone!!
Despite having nothing involving the birth of Jesus Christ, here is how my LastFM's Last 12 Months Chart turned out. Each played songs were scrobbled, recorded and charted. For those who still find an easy way to realize how fucked up you are weekly, monthly and annually, LastFM is what HSA recommends.

About my particular chart above. It doesn't have much impact on what I determined the best singles of the year. It could be an accidental played track while I was away from desktop taking a shit or on the phone for hours. FYI. it only contains 3 songs that appear on my yearly top ten best singles list - with so far I posted the first 5, leaving another 5 to be published within next week. So do not let this chart fool you, these are just for the record. :)

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